Susan K. Kovar is a Professor of Physical Education and Dean of the Graduate School at Wichita State University. Susan has spent her 25-year career in higher education preparing elementary physical educators and classroom teachers to meet the movement needs of elementary-aged children. Much of her scholarship (research, publication and presentations) over that period of time focused on issues in physical education and methods of teaching elementary physical education. She received a B.S. degree from the University of Nebraska, an M.S. degree from the University of Illinois, and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. She is an active member of AAHPERD and NASPE, having served on a number of NASPE Committees. For seven years, she was a reader for the NASPE/NCATE process for accreditation of undergraduate physical education preparation programs in institutions of higher education. For an additional five years, she served as one of seven NASPE/NCATE adjudicators who made final recommendations to NCATE regarding these programs. She is a reviewer for JOPERD and Strategies. In 1987 she was named CAPEHE Young Scholar by the Central Association for Physical Education in Higher Education, and in 1998 she was named Central District AAHPERD Scholar.