10 books
Estimating Irrigation Water Use in the Humid Eastern United States
Simulated Effects of Water Withdrawals and Land-Use Changes on Streamflows and Groundwater Levels in the Pawcatuck River Basin, Southwestern Rhode Island and Southeastern Connecticut
A Precipitation-Runoff Model for the Analysis of the Effects of Water Withdrawals and Land-Use Change on Streamflow in the Usquepaug-Queen River Basin, Rhode Island
Simulated Effects of the 2003 Permitted Withdrawals and Water-Management Alternatives on Reservoir Storage and Firm Yields of Three Surface-Water Supplies, Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts
Magnitude of Flood Flows for Selected Annual Exceedance Probabilities in Rhode Island Through 2010
Effects of Water Use and Land Use on Streamflow and Aquatic Habitat in the Sudbury and Assabet River Basins, Massachusetts
The U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow and Observation-Well Network in Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Elevation of the March-April 2010 Flood High Water in Selected River Reaches in Central and Eastern Massachusetts
Elevation of the March-April 2010 Flood High Water in Selected River Reaches in Rhode Island
Characteristics of the April 2007 Flood at 10 Streamflow-Gaging Stations in Massachusetts