13 books
Diagnosing Dutch Disease
Diagnosing Dutch Disease: Does Russia Have the Symptoms?
The Utilization-Adjusted Output Gap
The Utilization-Adjusted Output Gap: Is the Russian Economy Overheating?
Money Demand and Inflation in Dollarized Economies
Maintaining Competitiveness Under Equilibrium Real Appreciation
In Search of a Dramatic Equilibrium: Was the Armenian DRAM Overvalued?
Why Do Countries Peg the Way They Peg?the Determinants of Anchor Currency Choice
Maintaining Competitiveness Under Equilibrium Real Appreciation: The Case of Slovakia
Money Demand and Inflation in Dollarized Economies: The Case of Russia
Network Externalities and Dollarization Hysteresis
Diamond Smuggling and Taxation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Network Externalities and Dollarization Hysteresis: The Case of Russia