Born of Japanese and Italian parentage, LUIZ HARA was raised by his Nikkei family in Sao Paulo, Brazil, until the age of 19, when he moved to the UK. After working in the City of London for many years, he gave up a successful career in banking to pursue a completely different path and indulge his passion for food.
Luiz started The London Foodie blog in 2009 (regularly listed as one of the top 10 UK food blogs), then moved to Tokyo to research Japanese cuisine. He returned to London to train at Le Cordon Bleu, where he graduated with the Grande DiplĂ´me in 2012. In the same year, he launched the hugely popular The London Foodie's Supper Club, serving Japanese, Nikkei and French food - every event has sold out since it started.
Luiz enjoys a high profile in the UK and beyond. As a chef, food and travel writer, he has written for many national and overseas publications, and has travelled the world to discover and report on the latest international food trends. Luiz hosts regular Japanese and Nikkei cookery classes and culinary events.
In Nikkei Cuisine - Japanese Food the South American Way, Luiz shares the food of his childhood as well as the everyday dishes of the Nikkei community in South America. Within the pages of his book, you'll find a selection of home-style dishes sitting side by side with those from top Nikkei restaurants around the world.
Sep 1, 2021
Cover of Cocina Nikkei

Cocina Nikkei

Oct 22, 2015
Cover of Nikkei Cuisine

Nikkei Cuisine