Emma Major is a pioneer lay minister, blind wheelchair user, artist and poet. She has poems included in numerous books as well as writing her own collections of poetry on miscarriage, mental health and climate change. Early 2022 saw the publication of Lights Stuck On Red by Ink Gladiators Press; a book about the journey through Lockdown in poetry and abstract paintings. In late 2021 Dormiveglia Emma's book of art and poetry about Living with Long Covid was published by Ink Gladiators Press. In 2020 her first book combining both poetry and art was published Little Guy: Journey of Hope by Wild Goose Publications. In 2021 Emma's first exhibition of paintings and poems Caring for Creation was exhibited around Berkshire; it will be hosted at COP26 in Glasgow in November. She currently has paintings in two other exhibitions and has a number of books of poetry and paintings in various stages of publication. You can find Emma online at LLMCalling.com or on social media @emmuk74 where she shares her artwork and poetry to encourage, bless and affirm people.