Kevin Andrew Murphy is an American novelist and game writer currently living in Reno, Nevada. He is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Cruz and has a masters of professional writing from the University of Southern California. He has written gamebooks and fiction for Steve Jackson Games and White Wolf, including the solo MAGE novel Penny Dreadful, and fiction for numerous anthologies. He is one of the contributors to the Wild Cards book series edited by George R. R. Martin, for which his story “Find the Lady” in Mississippi Roll won the 2019 Darrell Award for Best Midsouth Novella.

John Jos. Miller published nine novels, more than twenty short stories, and six comic book scripts. He also wrote GURPS Wild Cards, a supplement for the GURPS role-playing system published in 1989, and two Wild Cards world books and histories from Green Ronin. John passed away in 2022.

Jon Sanchez was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He works as an illustrator, screen printer, poster artist and graphic designer. Jon finds inspiration in his family heritage and surroundings, which is often reflected in his award-winning artwork celebrating New Mexican culture.