5 books
Remarks During a Journey Through North America [microform]
The Connecticut Town-Officer; In Three Parts. Containing in Part I. the Powers and Duties of Towns, as Set Forth in the Statutes of Connecticut, Which Are Recited. Part II. the Powers and Duties of the Several Town Officers, with a Variety of Forms for Th
A Discourse of the Last Judgement, Or, Short Notes Upon Mat. XXV. from Ver. 31 to the End of the Chapter Concerning the Judgement to Come, and Our Preparation to Stand Before the Great Judge of Quick and Dead (1664)
Oratio Quam Comitijs Cantabrigiensibus Americanis Peroravit Reverendissimus D.D. Samuel Whiting Pastor Linnensis; In Aula Scilicet Harvardina, Pridie Calendas Sextiles, Anno, M.DC.XL.IX. (1649-1709)
A discourse, delivered before His Honour Paul Brigham, Esquire, lieutenant governor, the Honourable Council, and House of Representatives, of the state of Vermont, at Windsor. Being the day of general election. By Samuel Whiting