Dr. Gordon Jackson was born in Tokyo, Japan. He was educated in London, England, where he studied chemical engineering. After seven years at Imperial College, he was awarded a PhD for his research into the use of computers in the design of chemical plants. In 1976, Union Carbide Corporation recruited Gordon in London to work in one of their research facilities near Niagara Falls, New York. His first winter in the USA coincided with Buffalo, New York's newsworthy Blizzard of '77. In 1980, Dr. Jackson started his own computer consultancy, which he operated for thirty-three years. During that time he was an active member of the Cheektowaga Chamber of Commerce. He was the recipient of the Sam Walton Community Leaders Award for his service on the Chamber's Legislative Committee. In 2014, Gordon relocated to the Richmond, Virginia. He, and his wife are both teachers in area colleges. His wife focuses on nursing students, while he teaches those who seek degrees in Computer and Information Science.