Marisa Berenson is a world-renowned actress and model who starred in the Bob Fosse film Cabaret in 1972 and Stanely Kubrick's Barry Lyndon in 1975. Berenson fell in love with Marrakech eight years ago and once she found the perfect riad, she decided to call it home. Her cultivated appreciation of and enthusiastic immersion into Marrakech and Moroccan culture supplies her with a unique perspective on the city.
Sep 15, 2020
Cover of Marrakech Flair

Marrakech Flair

Oct 11, 2011
Cover of Marisa Berenson

Marisa Berenson

Oct 7, 2009
Cover of Moments Intimes

Moments Intimes

Jul 25, 1985
Cover of Dressing Up

Dressing Up