100 books • 4 series
Exploring Ancient Greece
Exploring Ancient Rome
Exploring Ancient Egypt
The Invention of the Telephone For Kids
The Story of the Liberty Bell
The Story of the Gold Rush
The Story of the Erie Canal
The Story of the Pony Express
Guided by the Lamp
The Wizard of Invention
The Freedom Conductor
Breaking Silence
First in Flight
Breaking Free
Crafting a New Nation
Marching with Gandhi
Steps to Freedom
Votes for All
Mission San Diego de Alcalá
Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo
The Iroquois Confederacy Native American Tribe For Kids
The Sioux Tribe (Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota) Native American Tribe For Kids
The Seminole Native American Tribe For Kids
The Navajo (Diné) Native American Tribe For Kids