Jennifer loves to learn about how kids learn. From her time spent getting her degree in special education to her current job in the school publishing market, she has been in the education field for more than 20 years. And she loves books, and loves to read. It wasn't until she had her own children and started reading countless children's books - sometimes the same books countless times - that she asked herself, "I wonder if I could write a children's book"? An encounter with a nesting robin one spring sparked the idea to write about the joy her family experienced while learning about nature and birds, just a few steps from their front door. Jennifer and her family watched closely, but gave the robins the space they needed, while they did "field research" on their behavior, eating, and nesting patterns. They felt invested in the success of the robin family as they watched them grow. Jennifer hopes to inspire other children and family members to be curious about, and respect, their Nesting Neighbors.