Simone Braverman is the founder of the website - the ultimate free resource for IELTS preparation, visited by millions every year.Simone's mission is to help busy people whose English is far from perfect to achieve a high score in IELTS (higher than they ever expected) after a short preparation in their spare time. It does not matter if they scored low previously, have a learning disability, too busy working 24/7 or are afraid to death of exams. Firsthand knowledge of the difficulties that non-native English speakers experience allowed Simone to develop a range of solutions to their problems. This laid the foundation to her first two books that later exploded in popularity - "Ace the IELTS" and "Target Band 7". The series of IELTS practice test books "High Scorer's Choice" followed and was just as successful.Simone's IELTS preparation books consistently achieve 5-star ratings and get raving reviews from students and teachers. Over 500,000 people are following IELTS-Blog's daily tips and updates to stay on top of the latest trends in IELTS.'Target Band 7' and 'Ace the IELTS' e-books were downloaded over 352,000 times.Since its creation was visited by over 15 MILLION test takers who downloaded 50+ MILLION pages.