Susan B. Mead is the author of Dance with Jesus, her personal story of how God came to her in the midst of grief after experiencing the loss of her sister, son and sister-in-law. She founded "Dance With Jesus Ministries" and "His Girls Gather." The ministries facilitate her dedication to help others find peace by equipping them to live free in a chaotic world. Susan is a frequent guest on radio, television and a contributing author on multiple media outlets, including CNN, Sirius XM, USA Radio Networks, Daystar, CTN and others. A Charter Blogger on the Bible Gateway Blogger's Grid and a regular contributor on, she has been quoted in The Street, published in the Medical Laboratory Observer (MLO), and has been described as a solid, comforting voice in a messy world. She is pursuing a Doctor of Theology degree, was awarded an MBA from the University of Dallas, spent 20+ years at a high level with Johnson and Johnson, is an ordained minister and is certified by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) in Individual Grief, Group Grief and Grief following Trauma. Her writing has consistently won awards including two 2016 Christian Literary Awards and the 2018 eLit Book Awards Gold Medal in Religion from the Jenkins Group.