14 books
Deutsche Literaturgeschichte
Philosophia Prima, Sive, Ontologia Methodo Scientifica Pertractata Qua Omnis Cognitionis Humanae Principia Continentur
Vater Heinz; Eine Sammlung Erzahlungen Und Mahrchen
The Civil-Engineer &Surveyor's Manual
Der Heilige Rock Zu Trier; Und Die Zwanzig Andern Heiligen Ungenahten Rocke; Eine Historische Untersuchung (1 )
Mitteilungen Aus Dem Gebiete Des Seewesens (11 )
Herrn Schellbogen's Abenteuer; Ein Stucklein Aus Dem Alten Berlin
L'Espagne Et La Portugal; Ou Moeurs, Usages Et Costumes Des Habitans de Ces Royaumes (4)
Considerations on the Alarming Increase of Forgery on the Bank of England, and the Neglect of Remedial Measures; With an Essay on the Remedy for the Detection of Forgeries, and an Account of the Measures Adopted by the Bank of Ireland ...
Scientific American Volume 52; V. 52
Document Index Volume 16
The Texas Criminal Reports; Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of Criminal Appeals of the State of Texas Volume 22
California Ground Squirrels; A Bulletin Dealing with Life Histories, Habits and Control of the Ground Squirrels in California ...
United States Congressional Serial Set Volume 4279