Nilanjan Ghosh is an ecological economist by training, with interests in environmental and development economics, and commodity derivatives markets. Presently, he serves as the Chief Economist at Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited. His previous stints in his research and consulting career include institutions like Takshashila Academia of Economic Research (a sister concern of MCX (I) Limited), The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), TERI University, among others. He had been a Visiting Fellow at the School of Social Sciences, Vaxjoe University (now Linnaeus University LNU) in December 2008. Nilanjan had been involved in various global environmental assessments, including the UNEP's flagship GEO-4 as Lead Author. He has conducted research and consultancy projects funded by WWF, UNCTAD, UNEP, and many others. He has published 5 books (3 authored + 2 co-edited), and a host of peer-reviewed journal papers and book chapters, apart from popular articles in newspapers and periodicals. Presently the Vice President of Indian Society for Ecological Economics (2012-14), he has previously served as the Society's Secretary (2010-12). Nilanjan obtained his Ph.D. (Fellow of IIM) from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, and Masters' in Economics from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.