DR JEFF MASSEY is an associate Professor in the Royal English Department at Molloy College in Long Island, New York. He is the co-editor (with Larissa Tracy of Longwood University) of the forthcoming collection Heads Will Roll!, which analyzes the importance of fictional beheadings throughout European history (Brill). He is also the author of various academic and pedagogical articles, on topics ranging from gendered social readings of Geoffrey Chaucer s Troilus and Criseyde to mimetic love triangles in Thomas Hardy s The Return of the Native, as well as strategies for teaching Beowulf, Arthuriana, and comic books in the classroom. Dr. Massey holds advanced degrees in both medieval and classical literatures, espousing particular interest in mythology and monstrosity (werewolves are his specialty) as evidence of ancient popular culture. He is the vice president of MEARCSTAPA, the international association for the study of medieval monstrosity, and sits on the editorial board of Energia, a journal devoted to applied social philosophy. He currently teaches courses in monstrosity, mythology, linguistics, medievalia, and fantasy literature, including the works of JRR Tolkien and Terry Pratchett. He has recently learned the first lesson in not being seen.