Laurent Guyenot was born in France in 1960. After graduating as an engineer from the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees in Paris, and working in the armaments industry in the United States for two years, he turned to the study of religious history and anthropology. He has earned a PhD in Medieval Studies at La Sorbonne, Paris, and has since authored several groundbreaking books in French on medieval "narrative anthropology," most recently The Bleeding Spear (2010) and Fairy Death (2011). He has also published an investigation into the psychological and social damage of mass pornography. He has been researching America's "deep history" for the last five years, and has been a contributor to JFK-911 is his first book in English. Other books by Laurent Guyenot, in French: La Lance qui saigne: Metatextes et hypertextes du "Conte du Graal" de Chre-tien de Troyes (2014) ; La mort feerique: Anthropologie medievale du merveilleux (XIIe-XVe siecle) (2011); Lumieres nouvelles sur la reincarnation (2003); Les avatars de la reincarnation: une histoire de la transmigration, des croy-ances primitives au paradigme moderne (2000); Le Livre noir de l'industrie rose: De la pornographie a la criminalite sexuelle (2000); Jesus et Jean Baptiste: Enquete historique sur une rencontre legendaire (1998); The author sees the hand of the Israeli secret services behind the JFK murder, the 9/11 atrocity, and the decline of democratic freedoms in America.