Once upon a time, Ivana believed it was better to fit in than stand out. She was embarrassed about being different. She didn't shave her legs and wore a slinky in her hair to school. Ivana grew up in Spain and moved to California when she was thirteen. Talk about awkward! School, friends, languages - everything changed. What was normal in one country was a disaster in the next! Ivana worked hard in school and earned a scholarship - a dream come true which changed her life. (She also discovered razors and hair ties). College is where she met her future husband who happened to be a real prince, though she didn't know it at the time. He was just as embarrassed about his title of nobility as Ivana was about her slinky. Ivana has a Masters in Education and has worked with children for over 20 years. Most recently working as Chief Digital Officer for a company dedicated to improving social learning challenges. "Be true to you and your gifts will shine through." - Princess Ivana