Raised in Avon, Ohio, the duct tape capital of the world, Jenny began her writing career as a featured columnist for her hometown newspaper. After spending her college years earning a BA in journalism (focus on photojournalism) from Kent State University, she vowed to never spend another winter in Ohio. After moving to Los Angeles, she found a job as a grant writer for Sound Art, a non-profit that teaches music in inner-city neighborhoods.

At the urging of a friend, Jenny finally decided it was time to do something with all of the snippets of stories she wrote during microeconomics and wrote THE RIVER REMEMBERS, a YA paranormal mystery that earned a spot in the quarter finals of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award, where is was described as “atmospheric, evocative,” “richly textured, dark and dreamy.” Since then, she has completed two more novels for young adults and is seeking publication one step at a time.

Apart from writing, Jenny is still an avid photographer, loves music despite no discernable musical talent and reads the dictionary for fun. She lives near Los Angeles with her husband, baby daughter and terror, er, TODDLER son. The four of them are always looking for their adventure.