A native of Orange County, California, James now lives in Tulsa with his son (Vector) and wife (Claire), who, at time of writing, are pretty sure he's a massive dork.

As Creative Development Director for Steelehouse Productions, James gets to play make-believe every day on a professional level - not only generating original characters, worlds, and intellectual properties, but revising, re-imagining, and/or rebooting existing brands.

As an artist, writer, professional nerd, and member of official Transformers movie tie-in canon (dramatic pause), James got his start in the industry at 21 when he sold his first cartoon to "Simpsons" producer, Film Roman. Since then he's written and developed comics, television, features and other oddities for Hasbro, TokyoPop, Dreamworks, Studio B, and New Line Cinema - his web series XOMBIE and TRAINS-FORMERS racking up over 106 million views combined.