Dr. Larry Barton is president of DeVry Institute of Technology in Phoenix, AZ. He is a leading expert in crisis management and management communications, and has authored two books for ITP: Crisis In Organizations (1993, second edition forthcoming March 2000) and Ethics: The Enemy In The Workplace (1995).
Dr. Barton served as Director of Issues Management of Motorola, Inc., from 1994-95, managing global public relations for the technology giant. He was promoted to Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs in 1995 and led global PR for the company's semiconductor division until he decided to return to academe last year.
Dr. Barton taught organizational behavior and crisis communication at Boston College, the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, Harvard Business School and Penn State Graduate Center prior to being named president of DeVry in 1999. He received a coveted Fulbright Senior Fellow Award in 1994, studying comparative Japanese management of crises such as product recalls and workplace violence. He was named Teacher of the Year in 1992 by the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada.
As a consultant, Dr. Barton has managed response to over 300 serious incidents worldwide, including extortion, terrorism targeting industry, environmental incidents and rumors in the workplace. He has written for over 35 refereed academic journals worldwide and is the editor of seven books. He has been interviewed on ABC Nightline and CNBC and profiled in The Wall Street Journal.
Dr. Barton's research interests include crisis management, workplace violence and change management.