Averil McClelland is currently Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Cultural Foundations of Education program in the College and Graduate School at Kent State University from which she received her Ph.D. Dr. McClelland has had extensive experience in curriculum design and program evaluation, as well as experience with addressing issues of gender and education and cultural diversity in education. In addition to this text, she is the author of The Education of Women in the United States: A Guide to Theory, Teaching, and Research (Garland, 1992), as well as a number of articles in scholarly journals. She received the Distinguished Teaching award from Kent State University in 1996, and has a long-standing relationship with the National First Ladies Library, where she develops web-based curricula based on the lives of the nations 44 First Ladies. Her special interests are the history, sociology, and politics of education, the reconstruction of teacher education, and internationalizing the college curriculum for pre-service and practicing teachers.