Dr. Chris Findlay in the founder and chairman of CompuSense. The company has become a world leader in sensory and consumer science, with a focus on software development and a dynamic contract and independent research program. Dr. Findlay has been an active member of the Institute of Food Technology for over 30 years and is a past Chair of the Sensory Evaluation Division. In 2011, he was honoured with the Institute of Food Technology Inaugural Award for Achievement in Sensory and Consumer Science. In 2012, he received the Sensory and Consumer Sciences Award for Outstanding Service. He is also involved in the American Society for Testing Materials E-18 Committee, Society of Sensory Professionals and Sensometrics organizations. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology. He has taught Sensory Evaluation as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Food Science of the University of Guelph and has lectured internationally on a wide range of sensory subjects. Dr. Findlay also holds an adjunct faculty appointment to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Guelph. He holds a B.Sc. Chemistry, from Loyola, Montreal and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Food Science from the University of Guelph. He holds 7 patents, has published over 40 refereed scientific papers and has contributed to four books on sensory science.