Marcus Evans qualified as a psychiatric nurse in 1983 and went on to occupy nursing posts as charge nurse of St. Giles day hospital, clinical nurse specialist in Liaison psychiatry and parasuicide in Kings College hospital A&E, and clinical nurse specialist in psychotherapy at the Bethlem and Maudsley. After qualifying as a psychotherapist at the Tavistock he took up a post as head of the nursing discipline with a brief to develop the nursing discipline within the trust. He held the post of Head of Nursing until taking on the post of Associate Clinical Head of Complex Needs in 2011. Marcus has supervised, designed, developed, and taught outreach courses for front line mental health staff in various settings for the last twenty-five years in many mental health trusts including: Camden and Islington, The Bethlem and Maudsley, and Broadmoor. He was also one of the founding members of the Fitzjohns service at the Tavistock clinic. His passion is the application of psychoanalytic psychotherapeutic ideas to mental health settings.