Yukiko Inoue , currently a professor and chair of the division of educational research and technology, has taught both regular and blended courses in the School of Education at the University of Guam. She received the University of Guam's faculty award for excellence in research (2000, 2006) and the faculty award for excellence in teaching (2008). She was selected as the 2008 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Guam Professor of the Year. She earned her PhD in educational psychology and research from the University of Memphis (USA) and master's degree in business administration from Tokyo Keizai University (Japan). Her research interests include: interdisciplinary studies on student learning and development; improving university teaching and learning with technology; online education for diverse learners; and the social context of learning with a higher education focus. She is the co-author of Teaching with Educational Technology: The Case of the Asia-Pacific Region and the editor of Technology and Diversity in Higher Education: New Challenges , and Online Education for Lifelong Learning . She is the editor of the Journal of Micronesian Educator - a publication of the University of Guam.