Larry A. Maxwell is a historian and author. While working as a journalist he won the coveted Associated Press Writing Award. He served as Chairman of the Company of Military Historians at West Point. He is the New York State Town Historian for Patterson, New York. During the Revolutionary War, Patterson was part of Fredericksburg, Dutchess County, New York. Sybil Ludington and her family lived in Fredericksburg. He has served more than twenty years as Pastor of the Patterson Baptist Church. The church was originally called The Baptist Church of Fredericksburg. It is the oldest Baptist Church, still in existence, in New York State. The Ludington family donated the property where the church had its first building. Sybil Ludington and Edmond Ogden were married in the church. That church was part of the Danbury Baptist Association which wrote a letter to President Thomas Jefferson, to which he responded with his famous Separation of Church and State letter. He is a re-enactor and historical tailor. He is the founder and director of The Living History Guild, an organization which helps re-enactors keep history alive. He is also commander of the 4th New York Regiment of the Continental Line. He served as a historical advisor and costumer for film projects and appeared on screen in numerous productions. He wrote a companion screenplay for this book. He also wrote another children's book about Sybil Ludington and some of the events in this book. It is called Travels Through Time - A Revolutionary Adventure. He is available to speak at conferences and at historical or educational events or functions. He often speaks wearing historical attire. He also does book signings. He can be contacted at