11 books
Irrigation Resources of California and Their Utilization (Classic Reprint)
Rice Irrigation Measurements and Experiments in Sacramento Valley: 1914-1919 (Classic Reprint)
Permissible Annual Charges for Irrigation Water in Upper San Joaquin Valley: A Cooperative Report by the College of Agriculture, University of California (Classic Reprint)
Cotton Irrigation Investigations in San Joaquin Valley, California, 1926 to 1935 (Classic Reprint)
Second Progress Report of Cooperative Irrigation Investigations in California (Classic Reprint)
Les Puits Artésiens Et Autres Puits Profonds de l'Ile de Montréal (Classic Reprint)
The Story of The Frog Who Would A-Wooing Go
WordPerfect X8
Black Truths
Case Studies in Educational Psychology
Reports on the Irrigation Resources of California Volume 1