David Suter was born in Leeds, UK. He holds the following degrees: BSc (Applied Maths and Physics, The Flinders University of SA, 1977); Grad. Dip. Ed. (Secondary Teaching, e Flinders University of SA, 1978); Grad. Dip. Comp. (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 1984); Ph.D. (Computer Vision, La Trobe University, 1991). He has held the following appointments: Lecturer at La Trobe University 1988-1992); Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor at Monash University (1992-2008), Professor at The University of Adelaide (2008-). He has served on the Australian Research Council College of Experts (2008-10) and the editorial boards of several journals: International Journal of Computer Vision (2004-2013), Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (200--2010), Machine Vision and Applications (2006-2008). He was general co-chair of two major conferences: ACCV2002 and ICIP2013 (both hosted in Melbourne Australia).