Professor Georges Cailletaud is a Professor at the Mines Paris Tech, a position he has held since 1994. From 2006-2011 he serves as Director of the UMR CNRS. Prior to this he was the Deputy Director of the Department "Mechanics and Materials" with the Mines ParisTech. Professor Cailletaud's current research includes the study of: Field measurements and crystal plasticity; Multiscale study of the behaviour and failure of bainitic steels; numerical simulation of laser direct deposition; multiscale modeling of recrystallisation in metals; development of a phase field method in a finite element code; prevision Rof crack initiation in random multiaxial fatigue; failure of the irradiated bainitic steels; crack initiation and micro-propagation in polycrystalline aggregates; and contact in parallel FE computations. He is the author of two books and over 350 journal articles.