In essence, I'm a farm girl with passions that led me to a career as a paramedic and a variety of other hobbies. Mostly, I love my husband and our four critters: two shelties and two cats. My husband and I have traveled extensively around the world. My most exciting trip was to Egypt. Oh, New Zealand was a lot of fun, too. In Israel I thought the bus at Masada left me behind - I was terrified until the rest of my bus mates miraculously appeared. I've learned a few things over the past sixty-something years. Thoughts are powerful. Intentions are everything. And lastly, passion is the key to success. During my career as a paramedic I came face to face with scenes most people would rather not think about. Having experienced life in the most deadly and gut wrenching events, and work alongside the police service, I have the fodder for creating intense novels. My creative DNA ran amok within two months after my first novel, The Guardian's Wildchild, was published. I couldn't believe there was this kind of story within me and desperate to be told. I resisted. It was futile. When I gave in to the visions and inspirations, I knew that the first year would be taken up with studying Islam and the Muslim culture. After finding a most wonder imam and a Muslim physician, it was time to begin the research and write. After completing the first draft of Forbidden, I searched for police personnel who would be willing to guide me in ensuring all the police procedures were legit and believable. The final draft of Forbidden was completed after four years of editing, rewriting, and editing again. My goal has been to write an exciting story, one that is both plot and character driven. Also, I was most careful in presenting the Islam faith in a moderate and unbiased tone. You can find me (F. Stone, Feather Stone, Judy Weir) at these sites: Facebook: https: // Twitter: https: // Website: http: //