18 books
An American Satyr, Vol. 2
Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Removal
"The Ancient City"
"Stonewall Jackson" a Thesaurus of Anecdotes of and Incidents in the Life of Lieut. General Jonathan Jakson, C.S.a
Maryland--The Pioneer of Religious Liberty; The Only Catholic Colony of the Thirteen and the First to Establish Civil and Religious Freedom
An American Satyr; The Morbid Misconstruction and Malevolent Misrepresentation of American Catholics Are a Menace to the Republic Maryland
The National Debt That American Protestants Owe to Their Brethren of the Roman Catholic Church
Maryland--The Pioneer of Religious Liberty
A History of the General Assembly of Maryland, 1635-1904
The Ancient City; A History of Annapolis, in Maryland, 1649-1887
Stonewall Jackson Stonewall Jackson
A History of Anne Arundel County, in Maryland. Adapted for Use in the Schools of the County
"Stonewall Jackson" a Thesaurus of Anecdotes of and Incidents in the Life of Lieut.-General Thomas Jonathan Jackson, C. S. A.
The Ancient City
"Stonewall Jackson" a Thesaurus of Ancedotes of and Incidents in the Life of Lieut. General Jonathan Jakson, C.S.a
"The Ancient City," a History of Annapolis
An American Satyr - The Morbid Misconstruction And Malevolent Misrepresentation Of American Catholics Are A Menace To The Republic
Correspondence of "First Citizen"-Chorles Corroll Ol Carrolllon