Tahsin Hasan is a software engineer from Bangladesh. He passed the Zend Certification Examination on 09 August, 2009 and has become the seventeenth Zend Certified Engineer (ZCE) from Bangladesh. This is the top-most certification on PHP from Zend, the developer of this outstanding scripting language. He is a tech enthusiastic and always keeps himself well-equipped with latest technologies. He has written another book, Opencart 1.4 Template Design Cookbook, with Packt. Tahsin Hasan has profound knowledge of LAMP environment. His advanced understanding of database environments and Apache web server is an asset. He has proficiency in scalability and optimizing server performance. He has worked with Symfony, CakePHP, Codeigniter and Zend Framework. Tahsin Hasan shares his ideas and knowledge on tahSin's gaRage; the address is http://newdailyblog.blogspot.com. He welcomes everyone on his blog to discuss latest web technologies. You can get him at tahsin352@gmail.com.