Besides working with Ike and John for over the past ten years, Julie is a Health and Transformation Coach, ThetaHealing(R) Practitioner, Access Consciousness Bars(R) Facilitator, writer, and speaker who empowers people to fully live their healing journey, as well as radically alter their relationship to healing and wholeness through reclaiming their power over their well-being. She is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and has an MA in Consciousness Studies from John F. Kennedy University. Julie's work focuses on lifestyle changes, including nutrition and fitness, that promote better health, as well as on the deeper process of transformation that is often required when people step onto the path of improving their overall well-being. She has supported people to eat healthier, lose weight, honor and accept their bodies, increase balance in their lives, create reasonable goals and reach them, move through their blocks to making change, and resolve internal conflicts. Creator and host of the podcasts Autoimmune Adventures and Being Well, Julie has also appeared on Voice America and radio shows nationwide, inspiring people to live their challenges as an adventure and create the change they'd like to see in their lives. Julie offers private and group coaching, energy healing, workshops, and webinars, and she works with people in person and worldwide via phone and the Internet. You can find Julie online at