11 books • 4 series
Captain America Captain America (Level 1 Early Reader) (World of Reading)
World of Reading: This Is Falcon (World of Reading)
World of Reading: Black Widow This Is Black Widow (World of Reading)
These Are the Guardians of the Galaxy (World of Reading)
These Are the Guardians Level 1 Reader These Are the Guardians (World of Reading: Level 1)
The Story of the Guardians of the Galaxy (World of Reading)
Hulk vs. Abomination/Hulk vs. Wolverine (Storybook Classic)
The Incredible Hulk vs. Wolverine
The Incredible Hulk vs. the Abomination
The Amazing Spider-Man vs. the Lizard (Marvel Super Hero vs. Book)
Black Widow Joins the Mighty Avengers