Jamie K. Reaser has a deep fondness for the wild, intimate, and unnameable. She received a BS in Field Biology, with a minor in Studio Art, from the College of William and Mary and her doctorate in Biology from Stanford University. She has worked around the world as a biologist, international policy negotiator, environmental educator, and wilderness rites-of-passage guide. She is also a practitioner and teacher of eco-psychology, nature-based spirituality, and various approaches to expanding human consciousness, as well as a poet, writer, artist, and homesteader-in-progress. Jamie has a passion for bringing people into their hearts, inspiring the heart beat of community, and, ultimately, empowering people to live with a heart-felt dedication to Mother Earth. Her writing explores themes at the interface of Nature and human nature. She is the editor of the Courting the Wild Series, as well as the author of Huntley Meadows: A Naturalist's Journal in Verse, Note to Self: Poems for Changing the World from the Inside Out, Sacred Reciprocity: Courting the Beloved in Everyday Life, Wild Life: New and Selected Poems, and Winter: Reflections by Snowlight. Jamie is a Fellow of the International League of Conservation Writers. She makes her home in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.