Wendy Allen worked as Cabin Crew for 20 years until 2020. She began writing poetry during Lockdown and has been published in Ambit, Poetry Wales, The Moth, Poetry Ireland Review, The Rialto, The London Magazine, The North and Banshee. Wendy’s poetry centres around themes of sex, menstruation, autofiction and art, specifically sculpture and the work of Barbara Hepworth. Her debut pamphlet, ‘Plastic Tubed Little Bird’, was published in May 2023 with Broken Sleep Editions. Wendy also writes collaboratively with Dr Charley Barnes, and their collection, ‘free bleeding’, was published in February 2024. She hosts the podcast ‘What We’ve Been Reading’ and co-edits the online journal ‘annie’ with Charley, and the two have edited an anthology of erotic poetry, ‘Under Your Pillow’.