Willie Moore Jr. is a Voice of Inspiration to the young and old. This multi-talented visionary, and servant leader is determined to inspire, influence and unite communities and families worldwide. As the Founder of the Young, Fly, and Saved(TM) movement, Willie uses his branded combination of truth, humor and biblical wisdom to spotlight practical solutions to help millions via his self-produced YouTube video series and social media channels. As a world renowned speaker, host of the nationally syndicated Willie Moore Jr. Radio Show, host of Flatout TV and co-host of BET's Joyful Noise, he is gifted to speak to audiences of all walks. As the adopted son of Willie (Sr.) And Flora Moore he uses his WILFLO FOUNDATION to raise awareness about adoption and foster care children around the globe. Most recently, he has authored the book Happily After All detailing his journey from former R&B Sensation and baby daddy, to being happily married to Patricia and father of Khalil, Peyton and Princeton. He's irrationally passionate about #KeepingIt100 to build healthy relationships, and happy families. #FlatOut! For More information visit WillieMooreJr.org or #WillieMooreJrLive on Social Media.