Milton Brener was born in New Orleans in 1930. He earned his law degree at Tulane University in 1952 and spent almost 4 years in the army as an officer in the Judge Advocate Corps in Korea and Okinawa. He then practiced in New Orleans for almost 40 years as a trial lawyer, retiring in 1991. He next attended Tulane earning a master's degree in anthropology in 1993. He is the author of 16 published books, beginning with "The Garrison Case a study in the abuse of power," in 1969. Brener's main outside interests have included flying his own light plane across much of the United States and Mexico, and, as a licensed flight instructor, giving flight instruction. His main interest today is opera and symphony. His books include the development of empathy with the ancient Greeks, scientific subjects for laymen, opera, private flying, space and the UFO subject. Brener is the father of four children by his former wife, Isabel who died in 1982, and presently lives with his current wife Eileen in New York City.