At 91, Ieda Herman has finally accepted that she may be unusual. For years, she has heard comments about how adventurous she is, how active and that she is an inspiration. She responds that growing old is not a choice but how you do it is up to you. Originally from Iceland, she was a WWII war bride, married to a US serviceman she met at a USO dance in Reykjavik. After seventy years of marriage and ten children, Ieda considers hers a life well-lived. She credits her vitality to her Scandinavian heritage, or Viking blood as she is fond of saying, a natural curiosity, and constant movement. Since turning 90, she has scaled 60 feet of an indoor climbing wall, practicing for her exploration of the Icelandic cave that inspired Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. She has gone paragliding off the southern cliffs of Vik in Iceland, appeared with her daughter giving presentations on Iceland, and enjoys local festivals and events. A family BBQ in Texas afforded her first opportunity to sit in the driver's seat of a fire engine, an impromptu fishing trip gave her the thrill of snagging THREE 25+ pound fish on the same line, all at the same time! To learn more, follow her blog: http: //