Deborah D. Moore lives a quiet life in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She was born and raised in Detroit, the kid of a cop, and moved to a small town to raise her two young sons, then moved to an even smaller town to pursue her dreams of being self-sufficient and to explore her love of writing. Her first published novel, The Journal: Cracked Earth, made the bestseller's list in just six weeks, and was followed by Ash Fall, Crimson Skies and Raging Tides; the first three were turned into a trilogy. After that came Fault Line and Martial Law to complete the Journal series. Deborah has also written a cookbook, based on her off-grid experiences in the woods of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Many of her recipes have evolved from foraging: from ramps, fiddleheads, and cattail flowers in the late spring, to various wild mushrooms all summer long.