58 books • 16 series
Rick Partlow is the author of the Birthright Trilogy and the Duty, Honor, Planet books. He holds a bachelor's degree in history and is a veteran of the US Army.
Star Bounty (Star Bounty, #2)
Revelation (Holy War Series , #3)
Apocalypse (Mech Force, #3)
Judgment Day (Holy War, #2)
Kill Box
Release Point (Drop Trooper, #8)
Genesis (Holy War, #1)
Shock Action
Fire Base
Home Front
Hybrid (The Acheron, #3)
Prodigal (The Acheron, #2)
The Acheron (The Acheron, #1)
Direct Fire (Drop Trooper, #4)
Danger Close (Drop Trooper, #3)
Kinetic Strike (Drop Trooper, #2)
Contact Front (Drop Trooper, #1)
Redemption's Shadow (Wholesale Slaughter, #6)
Judas Kiss
Maelstrom Strand
Revelation Run