8 books
Experiments in Agriculture, Made Under the Direction of the Right Honourable and Honourable Dublin Society, in the Year 1769; In Which the Cabbage Hus
Experiments in Agriculture Volume 3-6
Experiments in Agriculture (Volume 1-2)
To His Excellency, the Right Honourable, Lord Visc Townshend, Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland, President, His Grace, the Duke of Leinster, His Grace, the Right Reverend Archbishop of Armagh, Vice-Presidents
Considerations, upon the exportation of corn; written at the request of the Dublin Society. By John Wynn Baker, F.R.S.
Experiments in Agriculture, Made Under the Direction of the Right Honourable and Honourable Dublin Society, in the Year 1771 in Which, Three Comparative Methods for the Culture of Wheat Are Particularly Explained
The Reclaiming and Cultivation of a Bog in the County of Kildare, by Wentworth Thewles, Esq; Viewed and Examined in August Last, by Desire of the Dublin Society, and Now Reported in Pursuance Thereof. by John Wynn Baker, ...
An Address to the Representatives of the People, Upon Subjects of Moment, to the Well-Being and Happiness of the Kingdom of Ireland. by a Friend to the Nation