Stacey resides in Ashburton, New Zealand with her husband and three children. She is a qualified proof-reader, author, wife, mother, and self-proclaimed culinary goddess. When she's not busy writing or editing books, she enjoys reading and encouraging her children to have a love of books. She is also the co-ordinator of Wham Bam Author Jam, a reader event, held in Christchurch. This is an annual charity event, bringing readers and authors together to embrace their inner book nerd. Her latest venture is a book box subscription service called A Novel Idea NZ, where she creates boxes/bags of goodies including both kiwi and international indie authors. You may be noticing a theme here; she loves to share the joys of reading with the world! She absolutely loves hearing from readers, so please feel free to reach out via email, Instagram, or join her reader group, Broadbent's Bookish Babes. You can also sign up to her newsletter for up-to-date info on releases.