Pat Street has written and edited Language Arts educational materials for many years. She also collects and writes about sayings, and has more than a million in her database! Her previous sayings book, There's a Frog in My Throat! 440 Animal Sayings a Little Bird Told Me, was a joint project with Loreen Leedy. In a starred Booklist review, it was called "more fun than a barrel of monkeys!" Pat lives in Orlando, Florida, with her husband, who is also her best friend, and their two entertaining cats.

Eric Brace is a Master Artist for Hallmark Cards, where he has illustrated and written funny things for over 25 years. He's been using similes, idioms, and metaphors ever since the third grade. Residing in Kansas City, Eric lives in an old house with his lovely wife, adorable boy, giant dog, spotted cat and too many fish.