June A. Reynolds has been writing since she was ten and has been a teacher and librarian in public schools in the Pacific Northwest for 40 years. It is very safe to say that she has thousands of former students. She has taught pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in a wide variety of subjects, including drama. She has two grown children and two grandsons, and some step-children. She loves to hike and was a puppeteer for twenty years. Mrs. Reynolds is also an Oregon historian and living history re-enactor and has written three history books and a musical. Her favorite genre of writing is the short story, which she collects into books. She has written two screen plays and several stage plays. One story has been adapted as a radio play and a novel. Lately, when asked what she was doing, besides writing, she said: "As an author, I am always learning and one of my favorite things to study right now is folklore because that is where all the good stories are hidden."