21 books
Identifying Opportunities to Recruit More Individuals Above the Age of 21 Into the U.S. Army
Developing Outcome Measures for the National Guard Youth Challenge Program
Organizational and Cultural Causes of Army First-Term Attrition
In Search of a Durable Solution
A Targeted Industry Approach for Raising Quality Private-Sector Employment in Saudi Arabia
National Guard Youth ChalleNGe
Opportunities for All
National Guard Youth Challenge: Program Progress in 2015-2016
Initiatives to Improve Quality of Education in the Kurdistan Regioniraq
Education of Syrian Refugee Children
A Preliminary Assessment of the Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF) Concept's Implications for Army Personnel Management
Improving Technical Vocational Education and Training in the Kurdistan Regioniraq
Strategic Priorities for Improving Access to Quality Education in the Kurdistan Region Iraq
Readiness Reporting for an Adaptive Army
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program
Developing a School Finance System for K12 Reform in Qatar
A Survey of Qatari Secondary School Seniors
Cuba After Castro: Legacies, Challenges, and Impediments
Cuba After Castro
Focus on the Wonder Years