18 books
Il Libro dei Talismani, degli Amuleti e delle Gemme Zodiacali
Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems
The Complete Book of Talismans, Amulets and Magic Gemstones
Talismans of Isis, the Scarab, the Eye of Osiris, and the Sun's Disk
Gnostic Talismans
A Simple Description of Gnosticism
The Psychic and Magnetic Influence of Talismans and Gems
The Tau Cross
Talismans of the Orient, the Koran, and Early Christian and Medieval Talismans
Talismans of Primitive Races
Talismans of the Bulla, Tusk, Pine Cone, Frog, Skull, Goat, Ox, Lion, Lizard, and Spider
Talismans for Wisdom
Personal Charms and Talismans
Lucky Gems of Scorpio the Scorpion
Lucky Gems of Sagittarius the Archer
Egyptian Beliefs of and Their Talismans
The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems