Laurie Ulrich Fuller (Lancaster, PA) is a teacher, writer, and marketing professional. Since 1992, she’s been teaching people to make more confident and creative use of their computers, conducting courses in everything from computer basics to the advanced use of applications in the Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative suites. She has trained more than 10,000 students, in person, to use Office, teaching everyone from college students to displaced workers to corporate employees to military and government staff to first responders. Her ability to focus on the unique needs of each student – and in this case, the unique needs of the academic user – makes her a perfect match for the topic and the audience. She’s developed online courses, training surveys, and self-assessment tools for colleges and corporate training centers, and understands the need to understand the students’ goals, clearly outline how they will be achieved, provide the step-by-step guidance to get them to their goal, and to evaluate their own progress so that challenges are met and each student is successful.