Jennifer Cohen is a leadership and organizational coach and consultant with 25 years in the field. Known as a "coach's coach," Jennifer has worked with senior coaches and senior trainers at Fortune 500 companies and the country's top universities. She is a devoted student of Vippasana meditation, a yoga practitioner, and an avid gardener, and these arts inform her work. Jennifer Cohen lives with her husband and daughter in Acton, Massachusetts.

Organizational leadership consultant, facilitator, and executive coach Gina LaRoche has 20 years of experience coaching academic and executive leaders and entrepreneurs. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and is a graduate of Spirit Rock Meditation Center's Community Dharma Leaders Program. Gina LaRoche is a leader at New Haven Insight Meditation Community in Connecticut and enjoys spending time with her spouse, two sons, and dog.

Together, they are principals and cofounders of Seven Stones Leadership Group.