Darren Fisher is a confirmed candidate in the Doctorate in Visual Art program at The Queensland College of Art, within the Griffith Film School. His research focuses on the sequential art medium as a tool in the effective communication of mature narrative themes, particularly as it pertains to creating autobiographical texts able to engage and resonate with the reader. Darren's work explores the areas of identity, representation, truth, and voice, with a keen interest in visual communication and the interdependence of images and words. Through the utilisation of a number of different strategies such as short 'gag' comics and short length (5-24 page) self-contained narratives, he makes use of a range of media and storytelling devices in order to create reader engagement. Darren is currently at the forefront of the Brisbane independent comic scene through his roles as the organiser of the online 24 Hour Comic Challenge Australia, the independent comics anthology Ashcan, and his contributions to various workshops and lectures on visual communication and sequential art.